
On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims.
Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and function!

On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and... leggi di più »
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On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims.
Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and function!

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9 Da 22
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Clown , pagliaccio sulla Clown , pagliaccio sulla
Clown, Pegliaccio sulla motocicletta con meccanismo a corda con chiave, 14 cm Made in China
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Automobile - rimorchiatore a Automobile - rimorchiatore a
Press-Down Abschleppwagen Durch das herunterdrücken des Abschleppkrans wird der Abschleppwagen aufgezogen. Lässt man den Kran los, rast der Abschlepper los zum nächsten Einsatzort. Maße: 10 x 5 x 14 cm, Made in India
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Feuerwehrente, Made in Germany Anatra pompiere
Feuerwehrente Die große Schwester der Ente auf Dreirad. Voll ausgestattet mit einem abnehmbaren Löscheimer und einer Leiter macht sich die Feuerwehrente auf den Weg zu ihrem nächsten Einsatzort. Angetrieben durch ein starkes Aufziehwerk,...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Aereoplano da bombardamento in latta Aereoplano da bombardamento in latta
Aereoplano da bombardamento di latta B -17 Apertura alare 23,5 cm Lunghezza 17 cm La carica a molla incita tutte e quattro le eliche! Caricando si deve fare attenzione dato che il fabbricatore utilizza dei pezzi di plastica nel...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Automobile , macchina da corsa rossa Automobile , macchina da corsa rossa
Rennwagen rot Nr. 3, zur Dekoration Paya Imitation mit Aufziehwerk, ca. 18 cm Made in China
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Motocicletta verde, limitata Motocicletta verde, limitata
Motorrad grün, Paya Original Sammlerartikel, limitierte Edition mit Zertificat (5000 St.) 17 cm, mit Federwerk Produziert in Spanien mit Original Paya Werkzeugen 1930 - 1998
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Balloon Boat, 12 pcs., mixed colors, Made in Germany Balloon Boat, 12 pcs., mixed colors, Made in...
The Baloon Boat A simple principle that has been around for decades in a wide variety of versions. But no model is as beautiful and functionally as the balloon boat from the company "dieter`s", whose production we took over at the...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Pompieri con la scala volante che si Pompieri con la scala volante che si
Pompieri con scala volante Pompieri con sirena e scala volante (si solleva) propulsione a frizione, 27 cm Made in China
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Automobile Old Rolls Royce Automobile Old Rolls Royce
Automobile Old Rolls Royce rossa con tetto nero e meccanismo a corda, Lunghezza ca. 16 cm
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Robot pompieri F.C. Robot Robot pompieri F.C. Robot
Robot pompiere Space F.D. Robot 18 cm Con piedi del bruco e meccanismo a corda Made in China
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Deko-Bus (6 pezzi/unita`) Deko-Bus (6 pezzi/unita`)
Deco-Bus (6 pezzi) Deco-Bus (6 pezzi)
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Bus -autobus a 2 piani (imperiale) Bus -autobus a 2 piani (imperiale)
Doppeldeckerbus Nr.8, mit Figuren und Aufziehwerk, ca. 18 cm lang Paya Imitation
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
9 Da 22