
On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims.
Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and function!

On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and... leggi di più »
Chiudi finestra

On land, on water and in the air; here you can find everything that drives, "flies" or swims.
Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, ships, boats... all made of tin and many with wind-up mechanism and function!

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7 Da 22
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Motocicletta nera Motocicletta nera
Motorrad Sepp Das Motorrad wird durch Friktion angetrieben. eine hervorragende Arbeit und tolle Lithographie.
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Motocicletta nera Motocicletta nera
Motorrad Patrick Das Motorrad wird durch Friktion angetrieben. eine hervorragende Arbeit und tolle Lithographie.
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Automobile spaziale (1 pz.) TFC Automobile spaziale (1 pz.) TFC
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Macchina Champiom Racer #98 Macchina Champiom Racer #98
23 cm China
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Biplano - aeroplano chi fa il salto Biplano - aeroplano chi fa il salto
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Motocicletta-Vincitore ( Winner ) Motocicletta-Vincitore ( Winner )
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Trattore John Deere Trattore John Deere
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Elefant mit Flugzeugen, Made in Germany Elefante con aeroplani
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Motocicletta con ragazza, rosa Motocicletta con ragazza, rosa
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Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Vettura da corsa Space Car 14cm blu Vettura da corsa Space Car 14cm blu
Rennwagen Space Car 14cm blau, Made in China
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
Balloon Car, 36 pcs., mixed colors, with sales display, Made in Germany Balloon Car, 36 pcs., mixed colors, with sales...
Set of 36 Balloon Cars incl. free sales display for 18 cars. The Balloon Car A simple principle that has been around for decades in a wide variety of versions. But no model is as beautiful and functionally as the balloon car from the...
Contenuto 1 Pezzo
7 Da 22